If you regularly have a tough time falling or staying asleep, chances are the cause is either something you’re doing (like drinking coffee late in the day) or something you’re not doing (like getting rid of the stress that keeps you awake). Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to turn things around. Subscribe Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

Signs of Sleep Problems

There are some common signs that you are having trouble sleeping, many of which show up during the day. You may notice:

Difficulty concentrating Irritability Lack of energy Mood changes Slowed thinking Poor attention span Poor memory Trouble making decisions

If you can’t sleep at night, you might also find that you feel groggy and drowsy most of the next day. You may even drift off during the daytime or consume excessive amounts of caffeine to try to stay awake.

Why Can’t I Sleep?

When you say, “I can’t sleep,” it might mean that you are unable to fall asleep, but it can also mean that you struggle to stay asleep. There are many different factors that might be contributing to trouble with sleep. Lifestyle choices, sleep habits, stress, and medical conditions can all play a role.


A single glass of alcohol before bedtime may not interfere with your ability to fall asleep, but indulge in much more and sleep can become impaired. This is because alcohol interferes with the sleep cycle, especially the REM sleep that includes dreaming. You may not realize this since the initial effect of drinking alcohol is relaxation. This can help you drop off to sleep quickly after imbibing. But your rest will be fragmented and unrefreshing. This effect is even more prevalent with people with high alcohol use as it often goes hand-in-hand with insomnia.


Sleep and anxiety are closely connected. If you have trouble sleeping, your anxiety might increase, and if you have high anxiety, you may have trouble sleeping. In fact, sleep disruption can co-occur with almost all mental health conditions. Research shows that the type of sleep disruption varies based on anxiety type. People with state anxiety (anxiety due to a current situation) typically have more trouble falling asleep. People with trait anxiety (a personality that is more anxious) often have more trouble staying asleep.

Poor Sleep Habits

Sleep habits, such as staying up too late and having an irregular sleep schedule, can play a part in poor sleep. Napping later in the day can lead to trouble sleeping as well. Along with trouble falling or staying asleep, poor sleep habits can also negatively affect mental health. Studies have connected poor sleep hygiene with poorer mental well-being.

Sharing Your Bed

Sharing your bed, whether with a human or four-legged friend, greatly reduces sleep quality—especially if your partner snores, crowds you, hogs the covers, or otherwise makes you uncomfortable. You and your human partner might also have different preferred sleeping conditions (such as temperature, light, and noise level). Sharing a bed with an infant can also lead to more fragmented sleep for the parent and more night wakings for the child. Sleeping in an adult’s bed can also be dangerous for the baby, potentially leading to asphyxia or suffocation.

Poor Sleep Environment

Many sleep experts recommend keeping your bedroom at 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit at night. But many people like to cut energy costs by turning the thermostat down to the freezing zone during the winter and switching the AC off during the summer. Both of these extremes hijack your trip to the land of Nod, however. Your body needs to cool slightly at night for the most refreshing sleep, which is impossible in an overly heated bedroom. A too-cold room, on the other hand, will wake you up.


You know a bedtime cup of coffee is a bad idea, but did you know that the half-life of caffeine is three to five hours? That means only half the dose is eliminated during that time, leaving the remaining half to linger in your body. That’s why a late afternoon cup of joe can disrupt your sleep later that night.


If “I can’t sleep” is followed by “I’m so stressed,” you’re not alone. About 43% of American adults say that stress has kept them up at night at least once in the last month. During the day, the activities of life tend to distract you, but once you settle yourself into bed, your mind is free to roam. For most people, it’s not the good aspects of their lives that their mind chooses to focus on, but rather, the negatives. This can keep them from getting a good night’s sleep.


A casual around-the-block stroll with your dog in the late evening is fine (especially if it shifts your pet’s wake-up time closer to your own). But research has found that a heart-pumping, sweat-dripping cardio workout within one hour of bedtime is too much.


Is your typical bedtime snack a slice (or two) of pizza or a bag of chips? If so, don’t be surprised when you’re lying awake staring at your ceiling. A large amount of fat or protein right before bedtime, or a spicy meal, can send your digestive system into overdrive, making it difficult to sleep and potentially giving you heartburn. Hunger pains can wake you up as well, as can precipitous blood sugar drops during the night.


Do you take any medications? If so, this may be the reason why you can’t sleep. Drug-induced insomnia can be caused by a variety of prescription medications, including medicines for:

Cardiovascular disease Asthma Psychiatric disorders Cancer Hypothyroidism Smoking cessation

Screen Time

Light exposure at bedtime impairs your quality of sleep, whether it’s coming from your bed partner’s reading lamp, the alarm clock display, or the street light outside your window. Light emitted from electronic devices can have the same effect, making this an issue if you like to watch television or use your smartphone right before bed. Studies have connected longer screen times with a harder time falling asleep, shorter sleep durations, lower sleep efficiency, and worsened sleep quality.

Work Schedule

Working an early or late shift can disrupt your circadian rhythm, particularly if those shifts vary. Likewise, working long hours at a stressful job can cause anxiety that leaves you staring at your bedroom ceiling.


Jet lag confuses your body and mind because it jolts you out of your usual sleep patterns. Similarly, sleeping in an unfamiliar environment can be difficult.

Mental Health Issues

Insomnia sometimes signals a mental health disorder, such as depression. You might have difficulty falling or staying asleep, sleep too much, or sleep at times unusual for you. Additionally, certain medications prescribed for mental health (e.g., fluoxetine, venlafaxine) can have energizing effects that disrupt sleep.

Impact of Poor Sleep

Sleep deprivation can have a wide range of negative health effects. Notable physical and mental health consequences of not getting enough sleep include:

Anxiety Bipolar disorder Cardiovascular disease Depression High blood pressure Hormone imbalances Obesity Type 2 diabetes Weakened immune system

In addition to these health problems, lack of sleep is also connected to an overall decrease in quality of life and a greater risk of death. If you regularly find yourself wondering why you can’t sleep, it is important to get to the bottom of the problem and take steps to start improving your sleep quality.

What Should I Do If I Can’t Sleep?

When I can’t sleep, there are some important steps that I take to figure out what’s wrong and find solutions. Everyone is unique, however, so what works for you might be different than what works for someone else. Work to alleviate some of the sleep-stealers that are affecting your rest. These strategies can improve the amount and quality of sleep that you get each night:

Limit alcohol use, especially in the evening. Give your pets beds of their own, encourage your snoring partner to sleep on their side, and use a white-noise machine to block out sound. Adjust your thermostat to avoid being too hot or too cold. If that’s not possible, wear thick socks and use cozy blankets during cold snaps and turn on a fan in the summer.  Turn off electronics at least an hour before bedtime. Hang blackout shades or curtains in your bedroom and close the door to shut out the light. Although caffeine’s effects depend on your tolerance, the dose, and your age, it is best to keep your consumption below 400 mg per day and stay away from caffeine sources within six hours of bedtime.  If you’re struggling with stress, try a daily meditation practice. You don’t need to be an expert yogi or spend hours sitting on a mat. Even 10 minutes a day is beneficial.  Schedule your workout for the morning or hit the gym during your lunch hour. If you do exercise at night, don’t do your workout within an hour of bedtime. Have a small snack before hitting the hay that is heavier on complex carbs and lighter on protein (but includes both). Good choices include a small bowl of whole-grain cereal and milk, a slice of deli turkey wrapped around a celery stick, or a piece of fruit spread with peanut butter.

A Word From Verywell

“Why can’t I sleep?” It’s a question that people often face if they find themselves lying awake at night or exhausted the following day. Understanding some of the common causes of poor sleep is often the first step toward addressing the problem. The first thing to do is assess and address any lifestyle factors that might be interfering with a good night’s rest. If you don’t find any relief after making these changes, talk to a healthcare provider. They can help get to the bottom of your sleep difficulties and find the appropriate treatment so you can get the rest you need. If you’re having trouble sleeping, talk to a healthcare provider. They can help hone in on the reason why you’re having trouble sleeping as well as provide some guidance for getting a better night’s rest. Try correcting poor sleep habits and see if your sleep improves. If it doesn’t, a healthcare provider can help determine the cause of your sleep issues. However, back sleeping isn’t recommended for everyone, such as those who are pregnant, those with obstructive sleep apnea, chronic snorers, or people with heartburn. If you are a light sleeper, you might also find it difficult to return to sleep after hearing a noise, such as having a notification go off on the cellphone by your bed. An inability to turn your mind off once it’s awakened may make it hard to let your troubles go long enough to drift off to sleep.