What’s the Difference Between Panromantic and Pansexual?

The term “panromantic” is distinct from “pansexual” in that it does not necessarily include any physical attraction between two people; rather, it emphasizes the emotional connection one might feel towards another person regardless of gender. A person who is panromantic can be of any gender identity or sexual orientation. Panromanticism differs from sexual orientation in that it relates to romantic attraction only, not sexual. For example, someone might identify as heterosexual but be panromantic, meaning they may experience feelings of love and attraction towards individuals regardless of their gender identity.

Panromantic vs. Biromantic

As with pansexuality, there is an even more specific orientation known as “biromantic,” which refers to a person who experiences romantic feelings towards people of two genders. In contrast, someone who identifies as panromantic experiences the potential for emotional or romantic connections with people of all gender identities.

How Do I Know If I’m Panromantic?

The best way to know if you are panromantic is by reflecting on your own experiences and understanding of attraction.

What types of people do you feel attracted to, and how does this attraction manifest itself? What types of relationships have you been in or had an interest in, and what can you learn from these experiences?

Understanding your own panromantic identity can be liberating and help provide clarity on who and what type of relationships are right for you. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to identify as panromantic—the most important thing is that whatever label you use accurately reflects your own unique experience. Everyone’s journey with sexuality and gender exploration is different; embracing this uniqueness is key to feeling comfortable with yourself.

How Do I Tell People I’m Panromantic?

Telling people that you are panromantic is a personal decision and should be done in whatever way feels most comfortable for you. If you decide to tell someone, it can help to explain what panromanticism means to you so they have a better understanding of your unique orientation. If the person is a close friend or family member, they may want to know more about how panromanticism affects your life and relationships. Being open with them can help strengthen these bonds and create meaningful conversations about sexuality and gender identity. Below are some ways to start a conversation about being panromantic with family or friends:

Explain what panromantic means to you and why it is important for you to be open about it. Ask if it’s okay to talk about your orientation and what they think about it. Share any experiences you have had that helped shape your understanding of panromanticism. Be prepared for some negative reactions, but also be open to different points of view. Let them know how much their support means to you. Let them know that you are open to talking about the subject further if they want more information.

Ultimately, being able to openly talk about your panromantic identity can help others better understand and respect your experience.

Other Types of Romantic Attraction

In addition to panromanticism, there are many other types of romantic attractions and orientations. These include heteroromantic, homoromantic, romantic, biromantic, polyromantic—the list goes on. It’s important to remember that all romantic feelings and experiences are valid and should be respected. Below are brief descriptions of a few common types of romantic orientation:

Why Labels Matter

Labels can be powerful tools for understanding and expressing one’s own romantic identity. Labeling yourself as panromantic, for example, can help create a sense of belonging and connection to others who may share similar feelings or experiences. It also provides an avenue for self-expression, allowing individuals to communicate their preferences in terms of relationships and attraction. Ultimately, labels are only helpful if they accurately reflect how you feel—so it’s important to take the time to explore your personal journey with sexuality and romantic attraction before settling on any label in particular. What matters is that you find something that feels comfortable and honest to you, regardless of what other people might think or say. In conclusion, panromanticism is a unique and valid type of romantic orientation. It can be liberating to understand your own identity and share it with others in whatever way feels right for you. What matters most is that you feel comfortable in your own skin and embrace the beautiful complexity of romantic attraction.