Binge drinking is not recognized as a distinct condition in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the resource that doctors and mental health professionals utilize to diagnose the entire spectrum of mental disorders. A person who engages in this behavior regularly is sometimes referred to as a “binge drinker.” However, the use of such labels is generally discouraged. Instead, it would be more appropriate to say that this person misuses alcohol or that they might be diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorders are categorized as mild, moderate, or severe.

How Do You Know?

There are a number of signs that you might have a problem with binge drinking. Some of these include:

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol on the weekends or at social eventsConsuming so much alcohol that you blackoutDrinking four or five drinks in two hours or lessDrinking more than you had plannedEngaging in behaviors while drinking that you later regretFeeling tired or hungover after a night out drinkingWorrying or feeling guilty about your excessive drinking

Binge drinking is most common in younger adults between 18 and 34. However, the CDC reports that binge drinking is also frequent in adults over 35. Binge drinking also occurs across all socioeconomic levels. Research suggests that households with incomes higher than $75,000 a year and higher educational status binge drink more frequently, while people with lower income and educational status consume more binge drinks.

Types of Binge Drinking

There are a number of different reasons why people may engage in binge drinking. Around one in six adults in the U.S. binge drink four times a month, which suggests that weekend binges are a common phenomenon.

Alcohol derivation effect: This results when someone with an alcohol use disorder drinks to excess, produces excessive endorphin/opiate signals, and the brain adapts by downregulating the opiate receptors. With the cessation of drinking, the opiate receptors increase their sensitivity over time, which increases the strength of alcohol craving as well as the pleasure, euphoria, and buzz experienced when drinking eventually resumes. Stress-related binge drinking: Some people use alcohol to regain a sense of control and calm down. For some, it can be a way to relieve work-related and other stressors. Alcohol use can seem like an easy way to temporarily forget life’s problems. Social binge drinking: People may also engage in binge drinking to fit in with their social group. This might involve going out after work with co-workers or drinking with people to stay in touch with friends and acquaintances. Boredom-related binge drinking: In other cases, people may consume alcohol to pass the time, seek stimulation, and relieve the monotony of life. Mood-related binge drinking: Sometimes, people may consume large quantities of alcohol very quickly to relieve feelings of sadness or anxiety. They may be of any age, gender, or socioeconomic group. They crave comfort, safety, and security, and binge drinking may become a coping mechanism to manage distressing feelings.


Binge drinking can have a wide variety of negative consequences. One study published in The Lancet found that alcohol consumption is linked to more than 60 different medical conditions and that 4% of the global burden of disease is attributed to alcohol use.  People who binge drink may experience a range of health issues with short-term and long-term effects. Some of these include:

Accidental alcohol poisoning Accidents including car crashes and falls Alcohol use disorder Chronic health conditions, including liver disease, heart disease, and stroke Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders Increased risk for some types of cancer Memory and learning problems Mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and psychosis

Occasional binge drinkers have a high rate of injuries compared to nondrinkers and even those who are chronic heavy drinkers. Excessive alcohol consumption is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for every one in 10 deaths among working-age adults. Binge drinking also has high social and economic costs. A CDC report found that excessive alcohol use in the United States cost $249 billion in 2010, with $191 billion linked to binge drinking. These totals include losses related to healthcare costs, criminal justice costs, reduced workplace productivity, and other expenditures.

Tips for Managing Your Alcohol Consumption

If you are concerned about your level of alcohol consumption, there are some things that you can do that may help you avoid binge drinking behavior. Some tactics that can help you reduce your alcohol intake include:

Planning ahead: Before you find yourself in a situation where alcohol will be consumed, set limits on how much you plan to drink. Enlist the help of a friend to help you stick to your limits. Let them know that you are trying to cut back on alcohol—having support from loved ones can help you stick to your goals. Using moderation: Try to keep your alcohol consumption at a moderate level. The guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services define moderate drinking as one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. Some people may find this easier said than done, but being aware of a moderate alcohol intake level may help you stick to your limits. Swapping drinks: Rather than ordering a large drink or something with a high alcohol content, swap for something smaller or a drink that contains less alcohol. Focus on enjoying the drink slowly rather than consuming it quickly. Getting help: Even if you are an infrequent binge drinker, your alcohol intake can negatively affect your life. If you are concerned about your alcohol use, talk to your doctor. They can recommend treatment options that may involve psychotherapy, medications, and other interventions.

If you are even an occasional binge drinker, there are many reasons to stop or cut back on drinking. Implement some strategies to help lower your alcohol intake or talk to a healthcare provider about things you can do and get support. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.