Harmful Drinking Habits

While not everyone who binge drinks or drinks heavily on occasion will develop an alcohol use disorder, this type of risky drinking behavior does increase your risk of harmful consequences, including an AUD. Here’s a look at some common risky drinking habits and how they can turn harmful.

Binge Drinking

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), binge drinking is defined as consuming four or more standard drinks for women and five or more drinks for men in about two hours. Why is binge drinking considered harmful? One of the primary risks is that even one binge during the early weeks of pregnancy can result in fetal alcohol syndrome. Scientific research has also shown that alcohol consumption at that level can do real damage to health. It is associated with:

Attention and memory problemsIncreased risk of injuries (sexual assault, car accidents, falls, burns, alcohol poisoning)High blood pressureStrokeHeart diseaseLiver diseaseCancer (breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon)

Therefore, if you engage in binge drinking—even occasionally—you have an alcohol problem. You may not have an alcohol use disorder, but your drinking is considered hazardous. The greatest amount of research into binge drinking has revolved around drinking habits on college campuses, where it is a common practice among 18- to 21-year-olds. Research shows that students who binge drink are more likely to:

Damage propertyHave problems with law enforcementMiss more classesExperience more hangoversBecome injured

Research also indicates that students on campuses with higher binge drinking rates experience more physical assaults and unwanted sexual advances.

Heavy Drinking

According to the CDC, heavy drinking is defined as consuming 8 or more drinks per week for a woman or 15 or more drinks per week for a man. If you’re going out with friends each day of the weekend and having a few too many each time, you may be heavy drinking. If this habit begins to cause you social, legal, or personal problems in your life, and you continue to drink in spite of the negative consequences, it’s likely time to examine your relationship with alcohol. Heavy drinking is considered alcohol abuse if you continue to drink despite the following reoccurring problems:

Poor performance at school or workNeglect of your responsibilitiesTrouble with the lawDrinking while driving

Because an alcohol use disorder is considered a progressive disease, if you do not get help for your risky drinking at this stage, you could be headed for much more severe issues.

Diagnosing an Alcohol Use Disorder

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, there are 11 symptoms of alcohol use disorders: The designation of mild, moderate, or severe alcohol use disorders is the terminology used in official medical diagnoses.

Mild: If someone displays two or three of the symptomsModerate: If they exhibit four or five of the symptomsSevere: If someone exhibits six or more symptoms

Once someone reaches the stage of a severe alcohol use disorder, it is much more difficult for them to try to get and stay sober, because they have developed a physical addiction to and psychological dependence upon alcohol. It is much easier to quit drinking before reaching that stage. Unfortunately, many drinkers do not reach out for help until their drinking causes them overwhelming negative consequences, a phenomenon known as hitting bottom. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.