Incidence of Bulimia in Teens

The worldwide prevalence of bulimia cases in young females is estimated to be around 1% to 3% (depending on the country). However, a European study found the expression of the core symptoms of anorexia and bulimia to be present in up to 12% of women over the course of their lifetimes. This eating disorder can be triggered by stress, ineffective dieting, or as an attempt to deal with painful emotions or impaired body image. Purging behaviors make bulimia very harmful to the body. If you have any concerns your teen may be suffering from bulimia seek a professional evaluation from a physician or mental health professional.

Signs and Seeking Help

There is cause for concern if you witness one or more of the following symptoms:

Eating a significantly larger amount of food in a limited period of time than most people would typically eat, known as binge eating.Feeling unable to control or stop eating once a binge starts.Continuing to eat even if feeling uncomfortably full.Expressing frequent concerns about body weight or shape.Experiencing feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety related to eating, body images, or weight.Purging food from the body after overeating to avoid gaining weight and as an attempt to regain a sense of control.Skipping meals or going on extreme diets to ‘make up’ for eating or overeating.Extreme fear of gaining weight.Using breath mints to cover up after vomiting.Unreasonably discontent with body size or shape.Use of diet pills or diuretics for weight control.Spending lots of time in the bathroom, usually throwing up.Excessive exercise, at inappropriate times or settings, or even when sick or injured.

Early intervention improves the chances for a teens’ successful recovery from an eating disorder. It may be hard to face the signs of bulimia in your teen, but it’s important to be vigilant in ensuring your child’s eating patterns are normal. It may be helpful for you and your teen to talk with your teen’s primary care physician about eating disorders, the signs you may be noticing, and potential ways to help. There was an error. Please try again.

The Impact of Bulimia on Troubled Teens

Bulimia can have a devastating impact on teens. It’s important to educate yourself and your teen about the harmful effects of bulimia on the body, mind, and soul. While a full recovery from the physical effects of bulimia can be had, the mental and emotional effects can last a lifetime. Here are the major health consequences of bulimia:

Mineral or electrolyte imbalancesAbnormal bowel functionDestruction of tooth enamelBroken blood vessels in the eyesAnemiaBecoming moody or depressedHormone problemsDizzinessFatigueRupturing in the esophageal wall due to vomitingCardiac arrestDeath

A Word From Verywell

Bulimia is a serious health condition that can have significant health consequences. Early intervention can help prevent many of these negative outcomes and increases the chances of recovery. If you notice symptoms of bulimia in your teen, talk to your doctor about your next steps and treatment options. Online resources are also available that can offer advice and resources, including the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA).