Andrew Johnson is a clinical hypnotherapist based in Scotland and director of Training Toolbox, a company that teaches coping skills and life skills. Johnson has been offering MP3 downloads, apps, and workshops for over 20 years. On his website, Johnson reports that his recordings have been the best-selling “self-help” recordings on the Apple and Android App stores. Johnson has received training in areas such as clinical hypnotherapy, stress management techniques, meditation and mindfulness, and the alternative medical approach—emotional freedom techniques. He also ran a private practice after completing his training in clinical hypnotherapy. Johnson also offers one-on-one sessions to help people overcome a variety of issues including problems with low self-esteem.


The Beat Social Phobia audio app consists of four parts: an introduction (with options for a short or long intro), a relaxation section, a social phobia section, and an awake section. The entire audio program lasts 26 minutes. At the end of the relaxation section, Andrew counts backward from 10 to 1. During the social phobia section, you listen to positive affirmations about confidence, the ability to put things in perspective, and care less what others think. You are told that you will become less self-conscious, talk more freely, be more self-assured and enjoy being with people more. In general, you will be more positive and happy. During the awake section, Andrew counts forwards from 1 to 10, bringing you out of the hypnotized state. Johnson suggests listening to his recordings once per day for at least three weeks, as it takes this long to change bad habits into more positive ones. He notes that you can be awake or asleep during the recording, and it will work either way.


There is some evidence to suggest that hypnotherapy may be effective for reducing anxiety and to improve the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Therefore, this program is somewhat evidence-based in its approach. In addition to its application to social anxiety, this type of program may help those who have difficulty falling asleep due to anxious thoughts.


A lack of scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. The effectiveness of the program should be evaluated in controlled scientific studies. Individuals vary in their responsiveness to hypnosis and their ability to relax enough for the recording to be helpful.


If you are using the program at night, you may wish to skip the “awake” section so that you are better able to drift off to sleep.


Users should be 17 years or olderRequires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Bottom Line

At $2.99, it may be worth a try. At the very least, if you suffer from insomnia, you may find the relaxation section helpful. Remember though, if you experience severe social anxiety, self-help strategies are not a replacement for a professional diagnosis and evidence-based treatment such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication.