Expressive Arts Therapy Definition Types Techniques And Efficacy

This type of therapy is characterized by a focus on the creative process itself, utilizing a wide range of materials, and exploring a number of different techniques as part of a therapeutic intervention. Types of Expressive Arts Therapy As a multimodal therapy, expressive arts therapy draws on a few different types of single-modal approaches. Four of the main types of creative arts that are often used in expressive arts therapy include:...

February 3, 2023 · 6 min · 1105 words · Yvonne Johnson

Extrapyramidal Side Effects From Medication

They are more commonly caused by typical antipsychotics, but can and do occur with any type of antipsychotic. Antidepressants and other medications can sometimes cause extrapyramidal side effects as well. This article discusses the symptoms and causes of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). It also covers how these effects are treated as well as some of the other side effects you may experience while taking antipsychotic medication. Extrapyramidal Symptoms Extrapyramidal function refers to motor control and coordination, including being able to avoid making movements we don’t want to make....

February 3, 2023 · 6 min · 1274 words · Michael Altman

Fear Of Being The Center Of Attention

Effective treatments and strategies are available that can help you get over your fear of being the center of attention. If your fear is related to social anxiety disorder, getting treatment for your condition is an important step toward overcoming this fear. What Causes Fear of Attention There are a few different factors that can contribute to the fear of being the center of attention. It is often related to social anxiety disorder, but other people can also experience this fear as well....

February 3, 2023 · 7 min · 1433 words · Sarah Horace

Five Things To Know About Ocd

In instances where OCD is portrayed correctly, we typically see a sliver of what the disorder entails: a person with contamination obsessions followed by hand-washing and other visible compulsions. This article discusses five important facets of OCD that you should know. Loving to Organize Is Not a Symptom of OCD While Khloe Kardashian is not the first or last person to misrepresent the reality of OCD, her direct quote below highlights one of the most common misconceptions about the disorder: OCD is synonymous with a desire to organize....

February 3, 2023 · 6 min · 1111 words · Adrianne Mullins

Forget Your New Year S Diet Try Mindfulness Instead

“Diets, and particularly fad diets, are often restrictive, highly rule-based, and sometimes downright punitive. Eating should be pleasurable: a diet that is too restrictive often leads to rebound overeating, and research suggests that restrained eating patterns may actually predict weight gain rather than loss,” says Uma Naidoo, MD, nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, and director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. Instead of basing your new year goals or sense of accomplishment on how much weight you’ve lost, experts recommend taking a more mindful approach....

February 3, 2023 · 7 min · 1286 words · Peggy Schultz

Further Covid Lockdowns Could Trigger Ptsd Symptoms

As the pandemic drags on into the new year, one such threat is post-traumatic stress disorder. For those already dealing with PTSD, the stress of the current situation can trigger symptoms, while the trauma of months-long isolation leads to new cases. Multiple factors can put someone at higher risk of PTSD symptoms during this time. Along with a history of mental illness, psychotherapist Haley Neidich, LCSW, identified the following factors:...

February 3, 2023 · 5 min · 1057 words · Brian Dewall

Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline Treatment

Gabapentin is not currently a controlled substance because experts have always believed it showed little potential for abuse or dependence. Despite its legal status, gabapentin prescriptions have increased significantly over the past decade, and recent research points to an uptick in illicit abuse. Gabapentin Withdrawal Prevalence It is rare to experience withdrawal symptoms from gabapentin, but it does happen. A review of medical journals published between 1993, when gabapentin was approved, and 2015 found 18 case reports of gabapentin addiction, dependence, or withdrawal....

February 3, 2023 · 7 min · 1294 words · Gilbert Jennings

Getting Back Together With An Ex

Whether you made the decision to bring an end to your relationship, or your partner’s ‘we need to talk’ text set the ball rolling for a break-up, there are times where splitting with an ex can feel like a permanent fix for what may have only been a temporary set-back. In these times, the reasons for getting back together often appear to outweigh whatever grounds led to a separation in the first place....

February 3, 2023 · 7 min · 1348 words · Mabel Lewandowski

Growing Self Counseling And Coaching Online Therapy Review

February 3, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Peggy Marks

Hallucinogens Types Effects And How They Work

Hallucinogens can be man-made, or they can come from plants or mushrooms or extracts from plants and mushrooms. Generally, they are divided into two types: classic hallucinogens and dissociative drugs. Either type of hallucinogen can cause people to have rapid, intense emotional swings. This article discusses the different types of hallucinogens and their effects. It also covers how they work and their potential therapeutic uses. Classic Hallucinogens Some of the classic hallucinogens include:...

February 3, 2023 · 9 min · 1720 words · Timothy King

How Common Is Borderline Personality Disorder

There is a large difference in the prevalence of BPD in women versus men; women are much more likely to be diagnosed with BPD. In fact, about 75% of those diagnosed with BPD in the U.S. are women. However, it is not known whether women are actually more prone to develop BPD or whether this is due to gender biases in the diagnosis of BPD. For example, it may be that men with the symptoms of BPD are just more likely to be misdiagnosed with other conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder or major depressive disorder....

February 3, 2023 · 2 min · 407 words · Ryan Jacobson

How Learned Optimism Can Improve Your Life

Benefits of Optimism There are a number of benefits to becoming a more optimistic person. Some of the many advantages of optimism that researchers have discovered include: Better health outcomes: A meta-analysis of 83 studies found that optimism played a significant role in health outcomes for cardiovascular disease, cancer, pain, physical symptoms, and mortality. Better mental health: Optimists report higher levels of well-being than pessimists. Research also suggests that teaching learned optimism techniques can significantly reduce depression....

February 3, 2023 · 9 min · 1773 words · John Barcia

How Lupus Can Cause Bipolar Like Mood Symptoms

The central nervous system is just one of the targets of this autoimmune response. When it happens, it can manifest with psychiatric symptoms that are strikingly similar to bipolar disorder. While the symptoms of the two disorders overlap (as do the drugs used to treat them), SLE and bipolar are in no way related. Despite popular belief, SLE does not cause bipolar disorder. On the other hand, SLE is sometimes misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder....

February 3, 2023 · 3 min · 473 words · Jennifer Jones

How Negative Thinking Patterns Affect Anxiety

In order to overcome negative thinking patterns and self-defeating beliefs, it is important to understand the definitions and differences between these two concepts. Self-Defeating Beliefs Your belief system is made up of your personal views, attitudes, and values. Your beliefs are always with you, shaping the way in which you see yourself and the world around you. Self-defeating beliefs can set you up for failure and dissatisfaction. For instance, if it is your belief that your self-worth is solely determined by your accomplishments, you will only feel fulfilled when you are excelling at your career, achieving your goals, or reaching a desired level of status....

February 3, 2023 · 3 min · 611 words · Bert Ring

How To Be More Social

Even if you tend to be introverted, it doesn’t mean you have to stay on the conversational sidelines. With a few little tweaks to your style, you can become more outgoing, more relaxed in social situations, and more likely to have fun when you’re in the company of others. Subscribe Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts Start With Small Steps Start by taking small steps towards establishing contact with the people around you be they strangers, acquaintances, colleagues, or friends....

February 3, 2023 · 5 min · 943 words · Earnest Montgomery

How To Cope With Loneliness During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Whether you are quarantined due to suspected exposure, staying home because you are in a high-risk category, or at home to help prevent the spread of infection, you may find yourself unprepared for the feelings of loneliness that will likely follow. While those with chronic illness may already be familiar with what it’s like to face long periods of time alone at home, most of us are used to getting out daily; even those who are retired or don’t work usually make trips to run errands or visit friends....

February 3, 2023 · 10 min · 2062 words · Rene Hill

How To Date Yourself And Why You Should

If you’ve had a hard time dating, either because you’ve been rejected, you’re constantly disappointed, or you’re just not meeting the right type of partner, it might be time to go inward. Even if you’re not looking for a romantic partner at this time, spending time thinking about your likes and dislikes as well as your goals can enable you to be clearer about who you are. You’ll become more comfortable just being you and participating in the world....

February 3, 2023 · 6 min · 1142 words · Rose Sinclair

How To Deal With Betrayal In A Relationship

Feeling betrayed can lead to a flurry of complex emotions and they may feel difficult to manage. This article discusses the types of betrayal, how to decide if you should end the relationship, and how to cope with feelings of betrayal. Types of Betrayal Betrayal can occur in any type of relationship. It can occur between romantic partners, friends, and family members. Some people may also feel betrayed by larger institutions like the government or the healthcare system....

February 3, 2023 · 5 min · 979 words · Victoria Revalee

How To Deal With Chronic Interrupters And Get A Word In

Address Interrupting Before You Start Talking If your chronic interrupter is a coworker, it might be helpful toaddress interruptions before they even occur. For instance, beforegiving your presentation, you can preview what you plan to say andstipulate when would be a good time to ask questions or break-in. If people do interrupt while you are talking, you could remind themthat there will be a point for them to ask questions or make comments ina few minutes....

February 3, 2023 · 4 min · 832 words · Lucille Williams

How To Deal With Stress Related Insomnia

A sleep deficit can make you feel mentally slower and more emotional, for instance, which can exacerbate your experience of stress. And if your insomnia is stress-related, being overly tired does nothing to help solve the problems creating the stress. Dealing with lasting insomnia can cause stress, which can lead to more stress-related insomnia. It’s a vicious stress-insomnia cycle. How do you get out of it and relieve your sleep issues?...

February 3, 2023 · 4 min · 664 words · Elizabeth Norton