What S It Like To Be Diagnosed With Autism As An Adult New Research Takes A Closer Look

Getting diagnosed as an adult is certainly better than receiving no diagnosis whatsoever, but individuals who are diagnosed sooner stand a better chance of implementing lasting strategies in order to lead fulfilling lives as autistic people. Because many autistic individuals report anxiety, the timely diagnosis of autism may assist with the management of associated mental health challenges, as well as reducing the urge to mask autistic symptoms. The Research In Study 1, researchers found that participants did not report improvements in quality of life with age, unlike neurotypicals, which highlighted how age of diagnosis was associated with maladaptive behaviors, with women reporting later diagnosis and higher autistic traits....

February 2, 2023 · 8 min · 1582 words · Pam Jinkens

What To Do If You Or A Loved One Lack Empathy

What can you do if you or a loved one lack empathy? First, it’s important to establish boundaries, nurture your relationship with other people, and avoid seeking emotional validation from that person. Read on for signs that may indicate a lack of empathy and tips for dealing with those who do. Signs of a Lack of Empathy A lack of empathy isn’t always easy to detect, but there are a few signs that can help you determine if you or a loved one might not be empathetic:...

February 2, 2023 · 8 min · 1523 words · Lisa Brock

What To Know If Your Spouse Or Partner Has Adhd

If your partner has ADHD, however, your relationship can become lopsided if you find yourself taking care of your partner’s responsibilities as well as your own. At times, you might feel like your spouse is someone you need to corral, organize, and direct like a child rather than a partner. In these situations, the spouse who doesn’t have ADHD can feel isolated, distant, overwhelmed, resentful, angry, critical, and accusatory, while partners with ADHD feel nagged, rejected, and stressed....

February 2, 2023 · 9 min · 1738 words · Daniel Collins

Why Do People Die From Eating Disorders

However, early intervention markedly improves treatment outcomes, which is one reason to ensure people with eating disorders receive a prompt diagnosis and access to treatment. Mortality Rates in People With Eating Disorders Studies report varying death rates from eating disorders, but there are common findings. It’s estimated that every 52 minutes, someone dies from a complication of an eating disorder—that’s 10,200 deaths per year in the United States. Anorexia nervosa may have the highest mortality rate of eating disorders that have been studied....

February 2, 2023 · 9 min · 1852 words · Pamela Ramos

Why Our Brains Love Wordle

Since it keeps track of one’s score but does not include any gimmicks, levels, or pay-to-play options, Leslie finds it simpler than crossword puzzles which were printed in the days of physical newspapers. And the fact that it’s just one single straightforward daily puzzle is only a small part of its appeal. Wordle challenges your brain, fosters community, and even provides a daily hit of dopamine triggered by a sense of personal achievement....

February 2, 2023 · 7 min · 1285 words · Todd Jordan

Why You May Carry Stress In Your Shoulders And Neck

Let’s take a look at how stress contributes to neck and shoulder pain, what symptoms feel like, and what you can do to get some much-needed relief. Why Does Stress Lead to Neck and Shoulder Pain? To understand how stress is linked to neck and shoulder pain, it can be helpful to consider something called “the stress response.” The Stress Response Leads to Physical Symptoms In essence, our neurological and hormonal systems are activated when we experience stress in life—whether work stress, relationship stress, money stress, stress about the state of the world, or other common contributors....

February 2, 2023 · 5 min · 890 words · Lewis Grantham

I Feel Empty What Does It Mean If You Feel This Way

A host of reasons might lead to a feeling of emptiness. These reasons could be physical, mental, or emotional. Here are ways to cope with feelings of emptiness and return to feeling better about life. Physical Factors While there may be many physical issues or ailments that could lead to a feeling of emptiness, exhaustion could be a major culprit as sleep deprivation has many negative side effects. Lack of Sleep The importance of getting good, restful sleep has a definite effect on your health....

February 1, 2023 · 6 min · 1104 words · Charleen Marrero

I Wake Up Screaming What To Know About Night Terrors

Usually people who wake up screaming are doing so because they are experiencing a night terror. Night terrors are a kind of sleep disorder that are common in children, but quite rare in adults. Let’s take a look at what night terrors are, what they look like, what causes them, and what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing them. What Are Night Terrors? Night terrors (sometimes referred to as “sleep terrors” or “pavor nocturnus” are a kind of parasomnia, or a sleep disorder....

February 1, 2023 · 5 min · 995 words · William Slattery

10 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

Luckily, there are many tips and strategies that can help you quit smoking and make it stick. By learning what you should (and shouldn’t) do when trying to quit, and educating yourself about what happens when you stop smoking, you can ensure you are successful in your smoking cessation plans. Make an appointment for a physical. During the visit, let your healthcare provider know that you plan to quit smoking, and discuss which types of nicotine replacement therapy or nicotine-free quit aids would work best for you....

February 1, 2023 · 7 min · 1413 words · David Morgan

13 Possible Reasons Why You Re Tired All The Time

The fact is there are many underlying conditions that could be responsible for feeling tired all the time. From mood disorders to issues affecting your physical health like chronic fatigue syndrome, the following psychiatric and medical conditions are some of the most common ailments associated with fatigue. But first, it’s important to note that many of these conditions share symptoms similar to depression, so we’ll start there. By understanding the distinctions between depression and other factors that cause fatigue, you can seek out the right treatment and start to feel like your energetic self again....

February 1, 2023 · 9 min · 1885 words · Cynthia Clauson

5 Facts About Psychology

For many people, their first (and usually only) experience with psychology happens when they take an introductory course on the topic to fulfill a high school or university general education requirement. No wonder there are so many different misunderstandings about exactly what psychology is and is not. Here are the facts behind a few of the most common misconceptions. Psychology Classes Can Be Tough Many students may realize this as they struggle through their general psychology courses....

February 1, 2023 · 5 min · 870 words · Tanya Thomas

6 Conditions That Marijuana Can Mimic

As drugs go, especially naturally occurring drugs, marijuana is one of the most complicated. Made from the cannabis plant, it contains more than 113 active ingredients called cannabinoids. These cannabinoids all affect the body in some way, and not always in the same way. If you are unfamiliar with marijuana’s effects, you might be surprised by the reaction that you experience. You might find that the high isn’t exactly what you expected....

February 1, 2023 · 5 min · 1014 words · Mary Genet

7 Signs A Therapist Is Not The Right Fit

In fact, studies have found that the therapist-patient relationship is a top concern for people in therapy, and when there isn’t a good match between client and therapist, it can have strong negative impacts on their therapy experience. Here are some signs that your therapist is not the right match for you, what some traits of a good therapist are—and what to do if you find yourself in a situation where you need to switch therapists....

February 1, 2023 · 6 min · 1216 words · Joseph Beaver

8 Tips For Coping When Your Partner Is Unfaithful

It is natural to want to know why your partner cheated, but there is rarely a simple answer to why someone becomes unfaithful. It could be a symptom of other problems in your marriage, it could relate to something in your partner’s past, or it could be totally unrelated to you or to your marriage. No matter the cause, you’ll have a lot of complicated feelings to sort through, and a lot to think about as you decide how to move forward....

February 1, 2023 · 4 min · 721 words · Jason Kardashian

All About Acute Stress

These threats don’t need to be intensely threatening—they can be mild stressors like an alarm clock going off, a new assignment at work, or even a phone call that needs to be answered when you’re relaxing on the couch and your phone is across the room. Acute stress can also be more serious, like being pulled over for speeding, getting into an argument with a friend, or taking a test....

February 1, 2023 · 2 min · 387 words · Eva Smith

Andrea Navarro Verywell Mind

February 1, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Karen Preece

Anxiety And Chest Pressure Symptoms And Treatments

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take chest pressure seriously, but that if you are an otherwise healthy adult experiencing stress, your stressful state is likely causing the chest pressure. The good news is that there are ways to manage your stress and anxiety symptoms, which will balance your mood and decrease your uncomfortable physical sensations. Let’s look at the connection between chest pressure and stress, including the causes, how to get a proper diagnosis, any potential complications, and how to treat chest pressure caused by stress....

February 1, 2023 · 6 min · 1271 words · Emily Fuentes

Arachnophobia Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Coping

Around the world, between 3% and 15% of individuals have been diagnosed with specific phobias, with the fear of animals and heights being the most prevalent. Keep in mind that while the fear of spiders is common, not every person who feels afraid or on edge around them has arachnophobia. This article discusses the symptoms and causes of arachnophobia, as well as treatment modalities and coping mechanisms that may benefit you or a loved one who is arachnophobic....

February 1, 2023 · 5 min · 885 words · Anita Alvarado

Are You Self Sabotaging Your Relationships

You meet someone new and happily date for a little while. The connection is great, there is chemistry, and sex is fun. You start spending more and more time together and begin considering becoming a couple. But then, you stop replying to their texts right away. You cancel dates. You avoid talking about taking things to the next level. Your partner expresses frustration, disappointment, or even anger about your behavior....

February 1, 2023 · 8 min · 1668 words · Teresa Swinehart

Ask A Therapist What Can I Do To Sleep Better And Feel Less Stressed

Work on Good Sleep Hygiene It’s important to take a look at the unhealthy habits that may be interfering with a good nights’ rest. Sometimes small changes (or even one change) can go a long way toward helping you sleep better. Here are some things that can help: Don’t sleep with your phone in your room. As tempting as it may be to use your phone as your alarm clock or to scroll through social media when you can’t sleep, keeping your phone nearby might interfere with your sleep....

February 1, 2023 · 3 min · 578 words · Steven Bradford