When you come in contact with the HPV virus, it could take weeks, months, or even years before you exhibit any symptoms. There are many types of HPV. Some are mild and show no signs; others cause genital warts or abnormal cell changes that can lead to the development of cervical cancer.   If you discovered your diagnosis because of genital warts or an abnormal pap smear, the good news is that there are treatments for the health problems that HPV may cause. If your cancer is caught early, it can also be treated.  If you’ve just been diagnosed with HPV or have been living with HPV, this article breaks down how your diagnosis might affect you mentally and what next steps you should take to optimize your well-being while living with this condition.

Emotional Impact of Living With HPV

Getting a diagnosis of HPV can take quite an emotional toll on you. You might become more socially withdrawn and exhibit symptoms of anxiety and depression over your diagnosis. It’s important to remember at this point that you can go on to live a regular life.  As you can imagine, having a sexually transmitted infection could take its toll on any future romantic relationships you have. But this doesn’t mean you won’t be able to enter loving and committed relationships. When you do, it’s mandatory to share that you are living with HPV with any romantic partners you have.

Physical Impact of Living With HPV

One of the most worrying concerns of getting an HPV diagnosis is developing cancer from it. Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV. The good news is that it can be prevented. Going for regular pap smear tests can detect abnormalities in your cervix that might be precancerous. Treating this can prevent cervical cancer from developing. In many cases of HPV, your immune system will fight back, and the virus will resolve on its own. This can take anywhere between a couple of months to a couple of years. As your body works to fight off the virus, you can help it along by practicing the following healthy habits: 

Use condoms: Using condoms when having sex is essential to reduce the risk of transmitting HPV. It’s necessary to know that merely using condoms doesn’t completely eliminate this risk.Get regular checkups: For women above 21 living with HPV, it’s important to regularly get screened for cervical cancer. Getting a pap smear every three years is generally recommended to catch cervical cancer early on. Get vaccinated: According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children between 11 and 12 are advised to get the HPV vaccine. This is because, at that age, you are unlikely to be sexually active. However, the vaccine is approved up until the age of 26.

Eat a balanced diet to keep your immune system healthy Cut out alcohol and smoking.  Get enough sleep at night (at least eight to nine hours).  Decrease stress in your life. Some research shows that being stressed can cause HPV to linger in your system, which could increase your cancer risk.

Social Impact of Living With HPV

Being diagnosed with HPV is nothing to be ashamed about. Most sexually active people have been exposed to the virus at some point in their lives. Understandably, an HPV diagnosis can cause some anxiety, so it’s crucial to find a support system to lean on. You may choose to open up about your condition to family and friends or join a support group for people living with HPV in your area. 

Sex and Relationships With HPV 

If you’ve been diagnosed with HPV, you might be advised to abstain from sex for a while. Although using a condom can reduce the risk of transmission to your partner, it doesn’t eliminate it. While it can be a difficult conversation to have, depending on your situation, doctors may advise that you inform your partner if you learn that you have HPV. This is to make sure that they can check in with their healthcare providers. Having a partner who has been diagnosed with HPV doesn’t necessarily mean that they have been unfaithful to you. If the virus is transmitted to you from a partner, remember that they most likely didn’t know they were living with the infection and had no intention of infecting you.  It’s essential to constantly have open and honest conversations about your sexual health and sexual history with your partner. It’s also vital to get routinely checked for sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Although these tests don’t pick up on the HPV virus, they can pick up on other viruses like HIV. 

Caregiving and Helping Others

If your partner or someone you know is struggling with the news of having been diagnosed with HPV, you can help them out. What most people who have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection struggle with is shame. They might feel guilt over their past sexual practices. It’s important to remind them that you are there for them emotionally and that there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Encourage them to open up to you about any feelings and struggles they might have about their diagnosis. If they’ve joined a support group, you could also go along for some meetings.