Panic disorder with agoraphobia can contribute to many work-related issues. For example, avoidance behaviors can make your commute to work difficult. Worrying about specific fears and phobias that trigger panic attacks can add a lot of stress to the workday. You may feel ashamed about your condition or feel concerned that you will lose your job over it. For these reasons, dealing with panic disorder at the workplace can be extremely challenging. However, there are many ways you can learn to manage your panic disorder symptoms while at work. Listed below are some tips to help you keep your job and your peace of mind. Knowing what your triggers are can help you have a better plan for what to do when they come up. For example, you may find that you have a great deal of anxiety in the morning. It can be helpful then to take steps to reduce morning anxiety, such as developing better sleep habits, maintaining an organized morning routine or practicing meditation before work.