Experts now worry how the winter months might exacerbate this crisis when cold weather, less sunlight, and increased isolation are factored in. It’s important to pay attention to your emotions during this time, be kind to yourself, and seek professional help when you need it. Staying vigilant about the mental state of yourself and your loved ones will be critical in getting through this unprecedented time.

Uncertainty as a Cause of Depression

One of the hardest things for people has been the lack of solid information and the inability to plan. Because this is a novel virus, there was a lot of misinformation and confusion in the early spring when the pandemic began. Now, we are still learning new things each month that it continues. But there is also a looming question that no one has an answer to: When will this be over? Not being able to plan for the future is really hard on people. Divya K. Chhabra, MD, a childhood adolescent psychiatry fellow and adult psychiatrist, says, “Another thing that can lead to depression is a lack of control. People can’t plan for their futures, because they have no idea when this is going to end.” 

Decreased Face-to-Face Communication

There is a lot of conversation around the concept of Zoom exhaustion, which is essentially a form of digital burnout due to the increased cognitive demands of virtual platforms. Many organizations are replacing their in-person meetings with Zoom or other video conference calls. While on the surface this seems like an effortless transition, it can be more draining for participants. 

Prolonged Isolation

Another major factor in feelings of depression connected to COVID-19 is isolation. Self-isolation is a symptom of depression in any situation, but it becomes an even more dangerous issue when it’s coupled with the mandatory isolation of quarantine. “Feeling depressed and isolation can go hand in hand," says Chhabra.

Negative Impact of Winter Months

Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a common mood disorder that affects individuals at the same time every year, oftentimes in the winter months. It is thought that SAD is connected to the body’s natural rhythm and its reaction to sunlight. Because SAD is a subtype of depression, there is a feasible concern that this winter will bring compounded symptoms due to the presence of COVID-19-related depression. Chhabra explains, “SAD is a real thing even when COVID isn’t there, and affects many people with symptoms that are similar to depression. When there is SAD [in a normal year] you can still go outside—go to a restaurant, see other people—social things that are known to help with depression.” Because there is less opportunity to leave the home and safely engage in face-to-face social events, alternatives for positive interactions must be considered in order to manage symptoms.

What Can Help?

Try to Socialize When You Can

There is an overall recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to continue social distancing and to self-quarantine if you have interacted with someone who has potentially been ill. But locations throughout the U.S. have different mask regulations and social distancing guidelines due to varying case rates and outbreak sites. This can make it hard for many to maintain their social relationships with friends and family. Combine this with many work environments going completely virtual, and it is clear that 2020 has rid a lot of people of social interaction. Chhabra encourages those who are feeling the effects of this change to add some routine to their days at home. “Create some kind of support system that works for you and hold yourself accountable. It’s hard sometimes, [but] plan those things out and have a couple of Zooms that you stick to. When it’s safe, see people in a safe way.” says Chhabra. 

Let Yourself Feel 

Many individuals are holding multiple responsibilities during this time, either to support their family or keep themselves afloat financially. These needs, alongside our inherent desire to stay productive even in the midst of a pandemic, can lead us to neglect our feelings. Chhabra says, “It’s okay to be sad, angry, or anxious. It’s okay to feel all of the things that you’re feeling. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be happy. Especially in American society. “And then we feel worse because we’re down on ourselves for feeling down. There’s a global pandemic—it would be odd if people weren’t down. Don’t be hard on yourself if you have a bad day and you need to cry or if you aren’t your best self,” Chhabra advises.  The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page.