It’s important to note that this fear can be extreme and is not to be confused with the simple dislike for cold objects. Just because you prefer not to come into contact with cold doesn’t mean you suffer from cryophobia.

Cryophobia and Winter Weather

Cryophobia is often worse during the winter months, even for those who specifically fear cold objects. Snow and ice may seem unbearable, while objects that always feel cold, such as metal items, feel even colder during the winter. However, the sensation of “cold” is different for everyone. It may be difficult for a person who feels cold when the temperature dips below 70 F to understand cryophobia in someone who feels comfortable at 55 F. Yet that person’s fear is no less real. Cryophobia may also be at the heart of the fear of winter activities. Even if you are generally comfortable in colder weather, you might dread spending the day skiing or sledding. You might also worry about something going wrong, possibly finding yourself in a situation where you are feeling cold but are very far away from a warm shelter.


Cryophobia is more likely to occur in those who have had a significant negative impact from the cold. For example, if you have experienced hypothermia, fallen through the ice, or been stuck in a snowdrift, you may be more likely to develop this fear. The negative experience need not have happened to you directly. If someone you know has been impacted by the cold, you may also be likely to develop cryophobia. Even watching news reports of a particularly bad accident can trigger the fear in some predisposed people. Those who suddenly move or travel from a relatively warm climate to one that is much colder may also be at increased risk. However, cryophobia can also occur without any previous negative experiences at all. Some people simply perceive cold more sensitively than others, and some interpret it as not only uncomfortable but frightening. A general negative perception could, over time, escalate into a full-blown phobia.

Managing Cryophobia

Many people find that they can manage milder cases of cryophobia with self-help techniques. Dressing warmly, avoiding unnecessary time outdoors, and keeping the house toasty warm can go a long way toward alleviating mild fears. More severe cases, however, can be life-limiting. Some people are unable to travel to school or work, avoid social occasions, and become isolated during the winter. If your fear is severe, consider seeking professional assistance. Like all phobias, cryophobia responds well to a variety of treatment methods. You may never learn to love ski vacations, but with help and hard work, there is no reason for cryophobia to take over your life.