During the pandemic, 18.3 million people chose to start gardening, and 89% of them plan to continue gardening post-pandemic, according to the National Gardening Survey. In urban areas, gardening and farming on rooftops and in community settings began taking off well before Covid-19. As more city-dwellers are incorporating gardening into their lives, they’re also seeing some major mental health benefits, as well. Follow Now : Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

The Benefits of Gardening

Gardening, in general, has proven to be an incredible practice for relieving stress. And studies show that community gardens are an efficient and affordable method of promoting physical health and mental well-being. When it comes to general health, happiness and mental health, researchers have found that community gardeners have significantly better outcomes than their neighbors who don’t partake in gardening activities. And a small study that looked at urban rooftop gardening in Spain found that the practice was associated with a greater sense of purpose and social inclusion, emotional and physical well-being, and general quality of life for individuals living with intellectual disabilities or mental health disorders. As a horticultural therapist at CooperRiis Healing Community, Markus Wullimann, HTR, treats patients through experiential therapies on a working farm. The program is rooted in the healing power of social engagement and community, Wullimann says, as residents of the program dedicate up to 20 hours a week doing work on the farm that aligns with their interests, whether that’s growing and preparing food, gardening and landscaping, caring for animals, or creating art. “By contributing to the community, residents are empowered and their dreams and aspirations awakened, helping set them on the path to mental health recovery,” Wullimann says. “They are learning how to be a part of something bigger than themselves. The work helps them to get out of their own heads and engage in something meaningful to them and others.” He sees the work being done in the gardens and greenhouses as especially therapeutic. The plants can only thrive when the right preparation, weeding, and pruning is taken care of. This process becomes a strong metaphor for the mental healing journey. The mental benefits of community gardens also come from their ability to provide safe spaces that foster socialization and common purpose. “When you’re in community with other people who love it, it creates a very good connection,” says Mary Joye, LMHC. “The garden is a good buffer for those who have social anxiety and like quiet pursuits, but also don’t like the loneliness. It provides a sense of safety and creativity.” John La Puma, MD, founder and steward of regenerative urban farm La Puma Farms, echoes the fact that gardening, and nature in general, can provide an opportunity for strong bonding. “Running into people, sharing a moment of awe or a gardening tool or tip, and sharing the produce you raise are part of why gardening feels good,” La Puma says.

How To Start Gardening

For those hoping to get into gardening on their own, the first key to success is site selection. This requires carefully observing the site for several weeks, ideally before planting. La Puma suggests assessing the location by asking questions like, how does the sun hit? To grow vegetables, for example, the site must get at least six hours of sunlight each day. When is it windy? Are there predators nearby? Is it convenient to your house? New gardeners should start with easy-to-grow veggies like lettuce, turnips, radishes, beans, and peas before moving onto things like peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant. And a garden is only as good as its soil, La Puma says, as well as its gardeners’ ability to improve it. In the context of community gardens, this requires organization. “I think of community gardens as cooperatives, filled with teamwork and long-term vision,” La Puma says. To organize a community garden, the American Community Gardening Association recommends meeting with people who are interested, starting with a committee of five people, identifying a coordinator to handle membership, and acquiring financial sponsors to help cover costs of supplies and insurance. Preparing and developing the site, as well as creating rules and systems of communication are all part of creating and maintaining a successful community garden. Committing to such an endeavor can have an incredibly positive impact on not only the gardeners tending to it, but the community itself.