As it is potentially addictive, some people ask the question, “Will I get addicted to Xanax when it has been prescribed by my physician?”


For people who have been through a shocking and distressing experience, the feelings of anxiety they are experiencing are normal under the circumstances. Insomnia is also common. Although incidents such as the unexpected death of a loved one are very upsetting, grief is a natural human process that takes time to overcome. 

Therapeutic Benefits of Xanax

In these circumstances, it is understandable that your physician would prescribe Xanax. Xanax is a benzodiazepine medication that works very quickly and effectively to reduce anxiety and help with sleep. Physicians often prescribe these medications to help patients feel better when they are very distressed, and generally patients find them helpful in the short term. Xanax can calm people quickly and effectively and can help promote relaxation and sleep when taken as prescribed. For those who only take the dose given by their doctor, and who only take the drug for a brief period until things settle down, these medications can be part of a coping strategy which includes emotional and practical support, as needed.

Risk of Addiction

However, benzodiazepines do carry some risk of addiction. Although most who take them never develop issues with addiction or abuse, many people who take them at high enough doses over a long enough period of time do, at the very least, experience a rebound effect when they stop taking them. Some people develop more severe problems with benzodiazepines, especially if they take a higher dose than was originally prescribed. If you ask your physician for a higher dose, they may feel it is supportive to prescribe it, even though the risk that you will become addicted increases. Under the circumstances, your physician may believe the most important thing right now is to help you get through a difficult time.

Who Gets Addicted?

Not everyone who takes benzodiazepines develops addiction problems. Although many clinicians believe that addiction is unpredictable, research has shown psychological, genetic, and situational factors can affect it. Some research has shown that there is a personality profile associated with the tendency to become addicted to benzodiazepines. Those who become addicted tend to cope in more emotional ways than those who take benzodiazepines but don’t become addicted. Those who don’t become addicted often cope in task-based ways instead. Those who become addicted tend to withdraw more from social situations, and they tend to have had more adverse life events.


If you decide to take prescribed benzodiazepines for your anxiety or sleep problems, it is very important not to take more of the medication than prescribed. It might also be worth talking to your doctor about alternative medications or non-medication approaches to treatment. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. If the benzodiazepine is being prescribed for an ongoing anxiety disorder, a medication such as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor might be effective and safer long term. There are also effective psychotherapies for treating anxiety, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle changes that can help with symptoms over time. Although it is important to recognize the risk of addiction, it is also important to take care of yourself emotionally. Whatever you and your doctor decide is the right treatment for you, it would help to spend time with a trusted, caring person who will understand and support you during difficult times. If you feel unable to cope with your feelings and feel that there is no one to turn to, it is important to seek psychotherapy. If there are any concerns about your safety, go to your nearest emergency room or call 911.