Can Bipolar Disorder Show Up in a Brain Scan?

While brain scans aren’t used to diagnose bipolar disorder, they are used to learn more about how this condition impacts the brain and body.

Grey Matter Can Be Detected in a Brain Scan

Those who experience bipolar disorder have a decreased amount of grey matter in their brain. Grey matter is the exterior layer of brain tissue that constitutes the cerebral cortex.

Brain Scans Can Reveal Amygdala Activity

Brain scans can also help us learn how bipolar disorder differs from other mood disorders, like major depression. A study that used functional magnetic resonance imaging, it was discovered that those living with bipolar disorder had decreased left amygdala activation compared to those living with major depressive disorder.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Treatment for bipolar disorder varies based on the individual, but general treatment recommendations include medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

Medication Options

Medication options vary. Lithium is a mood stabilizer that’s commonly prescribed. However, it isn’t the only one. Anticonvulsants are also often prescribed as off-label mood stabilizers. In some circumstances, antipsychotics may also be offered.


In addition, professionals recommend that psychotherapy be used in conjunction with medication. Psychotherapy can help individuals create lasting change in their life, from learning more about their triggers to tracking their moods. It can also be crucial in developing coping tools and navigating relationships.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are also very important. These changes may include going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, eating well, exercising regularly, and minimizing drug and alcohol consumption.


While brain scans cannot be used to diagnose bipolar disorder, they can show grey matter and amygdala activity. This information can help doctors understand how bipolar disorder affects the brain and how brain activity in those with bipolar disorder compares to those of others with a different mental health condition.

A Word From Verywell 

There is much we have yet to learn about bipolar disorder, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope. Between learning more about this condition, finding the right treatment for you, and seeking out support, it is possible to lead a happy and healthy life.