The last of the 12 Steps is to carry the message to others and to put the principles of the program into practice in every area of your life. For those in recovery programs, practicing Step 12 is simply “how it works,” as the founders of the fellowship discovered for themselves in those early days. As the history of Alcoholics Anonymous so clearly indicates, it was working with others who were still suffering that kept Bill W. and Dr. Bob sober. The same principle is true for all members of 12 step groups: “to keep it you have to give it away.”

What Is Step 12?

In Al-Anon, the twelfth step reads “try to carry the message to ‘others’” and in Alcoholics Anonymous it says “to alcoholics.” But the principle is the same. In order to work all 12 of the steps, you must try to help others. Carrying the message to others by sharing experience, strength, and hope reinforces the spiritual principle of the 12 steps in the person being 12th-stepped as well as the one doing the sharing. But step 12 also calls for members to put the spiritual growth they have found to work—not only within the fellowship but it all aspects of their lives. It requires practicing these principles in all your affairs. This too is doing 12th step “work” and makes the program work as one of attraction and not promotion. For many in the 12-step fellowships, working the 12th step is simply how it works.

Benefits of Step 12

Step 12 allows people who have worked the program to work with others who are still struggling, which benefits both the person in recovery as well as those who are still going through the program. Being of service to others can:

Remind you of the early days of recovery (and why you’ve worked so hard to move past that phase)Keep you accountable and prevent you from becoming complacent in your recoveryGive you a sense of purposeEnhance your fellowship with othersInspire someone else to stay the sober pathHelp provide insight to someone else in recoveryAllow you to become a trustworthy person for someone in recovery

Making It Work

Twelve-step work isn’t just going out to help the one who still suffers, but going to meetings and setting an example. Here are a few ways to work step 12 during an AA or Al-Anon meeting:

Make coffeeSpeak up during commentsSay “yes” when asked to do service work or speak at a meetingOffer to give a ride to those who otherwise would not go to a meeting

Follow-up is also an important part of a 12th-step call. Calling the person in a few days to see if they might want to go to a meeting with you shows that you are for real. A word of warning: Remember to carry the message, not the person with a substance use disorder.

A Word From Verywell

As you go through the 12 steps, remember that addiction recovery is a lifelong journey that requires work and dedication. Working step 12 is a way to safeguard your own sobriety as you help others live a better, sober life one day at a time. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.