Whenever you take a test, spend a little time evaluating what you did that worked well and how you might apply those skills again in the future. Understanding the format of the test will give you a better idea of how to budget your time. Start by determining how long you have for each question. Generally, you should allow approximately 30 to 60 seconds for each multiple-choice question, depending upon the amount of time you have available for the test. Also, you’ll lose more time by having to look back over your test and figure out which questions you didn’t answer. Instead, try working your way through the exam in the order the questions are presented. When you encounter a question that you don’t immediately know the answer to, start by carefully reading each possible answer. Then start ruling out the options that make the least sense. Even if you are completely baffled by the question, it is often possible to use common sense and your prior knowledge of psychological topics to determine a likely answer. If you were to write your answer before you fully read the question, you might miss out on important information or even give the wrong response.