Grace Wellness Center Online Therapy Review

January 29, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Pamela Dugger

Here S What Could Be Causing Your Head Pain

When we experience head pain, we never give a lot of thought to what might be causing it, focusing only on ways to relieve the pain. Discovering what could be causing your head pain, however, is the first step in preventing head pain to reoccur. 8 Reasons Why You Have a Headache There are several reasons why you may be experiencing a headache. Here is a list of eight things that may be responsible for your head pain and what you can do about them....

January 29, 2023 · 5 min · 1006 words · Wendy Wilson

How A Social Support System Contributes To Mental Health

Whether you are facing a personal crisis and need immediate assistance, or you just want to spend time with people who care about you, these relationships play a critical role in how you function in your day-to-day life. But social support is certainly not a one-way street. In addition to relying on others, you also serve as a form of support for many people in your life. Why a Strong Social Support System Is So Important Psychologists and other mental health professionals often talk about the importance of having a strong social support network....

January 29, 2023 · 5 min · 935 words · Randy Hilse

How Exactly Do Brains Understand Sentences Ai Mapping Can Help Explain

Despite using this system each and every day, we don’t fully understand how the brain makes meaning of a sequence of words. In an effort to paint a better picture of this process, a group of researchers used artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroimaging to analyze a person’s brain as they read. The findings published in the Journal of Neuroscience revealed that various regions of the brain work together to make meaning of sentences, and could inform the development of treatment for various forms of cognitive impairment....

January 29, 2023 · 4 min · 832 words · Aaron Conaughty

How To Become More Mindful In Your Everyday Life

Among its many benefits, practicing everyday mindfulness can: Pull you out of the negative downward spiral that can be caused by too much daily stress, too many bad moods, or the habit of rumination. Help you make fewer errors when processing your experiences. Help you put stressful events into perspective and build resilience so you’re less overwhelmed by them in the future. And while there are many mindfulness exercises you can practice on a regular basis, learning how to be present in the moment is also a way of life....

January 29, 2023 · 4 min · 835 words · Diane Hintz

How To Confront Workplace Bullying

1. Take Care of Yourself Learn to recognize bullying. When you realize that you are being bullied, you will be less likely to blame yourself or take responsibility for something that isn’t your fault. Remember, bullying is a choice the bully makes, not something defective in you. Realize that you can change your response. Although it is impossible to change someone who doesn’t want to change, you can change how you respond....

January 29, 2023 · 3 min · 624 words · Eusebio Perez

How To Cope With Black Racial Injustice

Absorbing this information can take a toll on the mental health of Black Americans, who often wonder how to cope amid a steady stream of bad news about Black people specifically. You don’t have to be a news junkie or an avid social media user to encounter these distressing headlines. Such topics can come up as one surfs the net, flips through the TV channels, or talks with friends. Due to ongoing societal inequities, Black Americans may be uniquely vulnerable to systemic oppression in the form of racial profiling, segregated schools, environmental racism, and employment discrimination....

January 29, 2023 · 6 min · 1164 words · Mary Kerwin

How To Cope With Paralyzing Anxiety

Zimbrean describes what emotional and physical paralysis can feel like and how they can impact your life. Physically Paralyzing Anxiety You may experience physically paralyzing anxiety in the wake of a clear stressor, a major life change, a disaster, or a traumatic event. However, it can sometimes occur without you being aware of the cause. Impact It can also cause you to believe that something is physically wrong with you....

January 29, 2023 · 3 min · 591 words · Douglas Bettinson

How To Deal With Withdrawal Symptoms 7 Tips That Can Help

If you’ve used alcohol, heroin, meth, or other substances for only a short time or have taken only small doses, you might not experience withdrawal. However, if you’ve been binge drinking, using alcohol and/or drugs for a long time, or taking increasingly higher doses over a short time, you might feel quite unwell physically for a while when you stop. Common Symptoms of Withdrawal Biological changes occur in your brain during withdrawal as your body seeks homeostasis, causing a mix of physical and emotional symptoms....

January 29, 2023 · 4 min · 666 words · Miguelina Tribley

How To Develop An Awesome Online Dating Profile

But the truth is that no one expects you to be perfect. Sometimes it’s the simplest and most honest dating profiles that are the most effective. Remember that an online dating profile is basically personal marketing. As a result, you’ll want to do everything you can to put your best foot forward. Knowing how to capture your own personality, idiosyncrasies, interests, and general outlook on life in just a few short paragraphs can be daunting even for the best writers....

January 29, 2023 · 4 min · 850 words · Adele Ray

How To Navigate Difficult Conversations During The Holidays

Politics, Race, and Public Health According to a 2019 article, many Americans believe that politics have negatively impacted their physical health, emotional well-being, and personal relationships. Unfortunately, folx sometimes fail to understand the inherent privilege of viewing decisions that can determine the difference between life and death for more oppressed folx as “just politics” which they can simply refrain from discussing with family. Unlike Black folx who were disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and police brutality, or undocumented folx in ICE detention centers—some have the privilege of enjoying the holidays with their families still intact....

January 29, 2023 · 5 min · 969 words · Suzanne Mccray

How To Navigate Difficult Relationships With Your Family

But, if you find that your relationships with family members—or even just one family member in particular—are especially difficult, you may want to take some time to examine that relationship more closely. Begin by asking yourself if the relationship is unsafe or just a little awkward to manage. If your family relationship is abusive, you might want to consider limiting your interactions with this person. In fact, research shows that prolonged conflict with people as well as negative relationships can impact your health....

January 29, 2023 · 7 min · 1294 words · Anna Roberson

How To Navigate Your Own Privilege

While it can be uncomfortable to recognize that you have unearned advantages over other folx through no fault of theirs, working through your discomfort can allow you to utilize your privilege in a way that promotes more equitable outcomes for others in society. This article will provide examples of what privilege can look like in everyday life, tips on how you can gain better awareness of your privilege, and how you can use it to work in solidarity with marginalized groups....

January 29, 2023 · 8 min · 1604 words · Carol Pierce

How To Not Take Things Personally

In fact, scientists in one recent study looked closely at responses to both approving and disapproving videos involving social evaluation. Researchers analyzed the activity of 37 participants while they watched videos in which people expressed positive, negative, and neutral statements that tapped into basic emotions. Results showed that “criticism hurt everybody.” While some comments or actions are actually offensive, if you find that your feelings are hurt very often or you tend to assume that someone meant to cause you emotional harm, it’s possible that you’re prone to taking things too personally....

January 29, 2023 · 4 min · 808 words · Mary Duncan

How To Overcome Test Anxiety

If you experience serious test anxiety, you may have physical symptoms such as a headache, nausea, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and light-headedness. You could even have a panic attack, during which you may feel like it’s hard to breathe or you may think you’re having a heart attack. Feelings of anger, fear, and helplessness are other symptoms of test anxiety, as are thinking negatively and comparing yourself to others. If you experience test anxiety, there are a number of coping strategies that you can employ....

January 29, 2023 · 2 min · 223 words · Betty Balint

How To Prevent A Child From Using Marijuana

Research shows that being involved and providing appropriate parental monitoring can reduce future drug use. Even adolescents who may be prone to marijuana use—such as those who are rebellious, cannot control their emotions, and experience internal distress—are influenced by active and engaged parents. Here are some tips on how you can keep your kids from using marijuana. Have Regular Conversations When it comes to teens, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, with more than 35% of 12th graders using it....

January 29, 2023 · 8 min · 1567 words · Kelly Mertens

How To Set Healthy Boundaries When Dealing With Addiction

What Are Boundaries? Simply put, boundaries are limits to what is acceptable or can be tolerated in a relationship. In the literal sense of the word, a boundary is a dividing line that separates one area from another and one that can be marked by a physical barrier like a fence or a road. Without the physical marker, it may not be clear exactly where one area ends and the other begins....

January 29, 2023 · 3 min · 573 words · Luther Scerra

How To Stay Safe During A Protest

Protests, regardless of the intention behind them, attract all types of people, each with different motives. Things can quickly turn from an atmosphere of solidarity and purpose to one of chaos and uncertainty. Before you participate, understand your rights, prepare in advance, and know how to stay safe at a protest. Know Your Rights The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your thoughts and opinions in the form of a protest....

January 29, 2023 · 7 min · 1442 words · Crystal Ramirez

How To Stop Taking Ssri Antidepressants Safely

A main approach is reducing the dosage very gradually under the supervision of your doctor. This can take weeks and sometimes months. You may be able to use the pills you have or you may need different doses or preparations prescribed. If you have tablets, and the insert doesn’t indicate that splitting or crushing is taboo, you can split them (a pill splitter helps, a couple of bucks at the pharmacy)....

January 29, 2023 · 2 min · 356 words · Rita Stokes

How To Test Conformity With Your Own Experiment

History During the 1950s, psychologist Solomon Asch conducted a series of experiments known as the Asch conformity experiments that demonstrated the impact of social pressure on individual behavior. In Asch’s classic experiment, participants were told that they were in an experiment on vision. With a group of other people, they were asked to look at three lines of different lengths and determine which one was the longest. Participants were then placed with a group that they thought included other subjects in the study....

January 29, 2023 · 3 min · 623 words · Jonathan Adams